Europeans need to have spine of steel

This is a provocative post targeting the people of the west who created a global turmoil with the Russia-Ukraine war. When will #Europeans get a spine of steel like Gerhard Schröder the former Chancellor of Germany. Here are some thoughts for Europeans to ponder upon...

My journey into DeFi world

Masters in Blockchain I finished my masters in blockchain from Zigurat Innovation & Technology Business School from Barcelona Spain in 2021. It was an wonderful experience learning about blockchain and its capabilities and how it is driving change in the various...

Is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme?

Is bitcoin a Ponzi scheme? by H.Thirukkumaran What is a Ponzi scheme? Since this article is about a financial product which is yet to be regulated by government let us take the definition of Ponzi schema from US Securities and Exchange Commission.  According to SEC...

Django Getting Started

This is my reference notes python -m django –version django-admin startproject mysite python runserver Project Apps -Views – Controller – Model Validation on the server side -Templates – Views (Models Validation on the Client Side)...