Google Storage

Use lifecycle management option for buckets and its objects to do auto archival and removal of objects. Lifecycle supports age, created date, number of new versions. A good lifecycle management for stored objects will help minimizing billing.

Microsoft .NET

To read RSS feeds use  System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed class. To generate RSS feeds use the same class and return object of type Rss20FeedFormatter.

Google Storage

Use object change notification feature to trigger events asynchronously when files are modified or uploaded to Google Storage. Use an authorized domain and a handler on your website to receive notifications when objects in a bucket are changed.

Google Storage

Use composite objects feature to enable parallel upload of multiple files to Google Cloud Storage. You can upload only 32 objects at the max and to only 1 bucket. The command to do that is gsutil compose. Use CRC32c for integrity checking.


Sticky Notes application helps you to create virtual sticky notes in Windows. Read about it here. I use two monitors in my work place and one of them will be filled with sticky notes showing all the tasks I have to complete in individual sticky notes. I delete that...