by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 9, 2017 | tip of the day
Offline Disk ImportĀ is a new service offered by Google to upload your data from HDD to Google Cloud Storage. The HDD must be shipped to Google’s disc-upload center. This is a recent service offered by Google and will help companies migrate huge amount of data to...
by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 9, 2017 | tip of the day
GCS Online Cloud ImportĀ is a new service offered by Google to upload data from Amazon S3 and other online servers. This service provides options to schedule transfers and also to transfer only new data.
by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 9, 2017 | tip of the day
As a developer I can write a global quality code that runs only on my local machine.
by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 9, 2017 | tip of the day
The equivalent of windows hosts file in %windir%\system32\drivers\etc for Linux is /etc/hosts
by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 9, 2017 | tip of the day
To see the list of folders shared in a computer. Open Computer Management console by typing compmgmt.msc in the run window. Under system tools you can see Shared Folders which shows the list of folders shared on that machine. You can connect to remote computer from...
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