User vs SEO

It is important to balance interactivity and SEO. Users prefer more interactive site but crawlers cannot crawl a very interactive site which dynamically loads contents on events. Try to provide a balance or alternate way for crawlers to crawl your interactive...


Newsletters at team level or department level or company level is a good tool to help people get big picture of their work. It also develops communication skills of the team members.

Protect site analytics data

Protect your site analytics data. Your data is your gold mine don’t let other track your site analytics. I have seen developers adding javascripts for some cool features from third party websites. These javascripts help others track the traffic to your website...

Alerts in Windows

In Windows to monitor and setup alerts like low disk space, hardware failure, application crash you can use Task Scheduler and change Begin Task field to On an event and choose System in Log and specify event ID for the event you are looking for to send email.