HTML5 Semantic Tags

If you are developing a CMS system make use of HTML5 semantic tags like article, aside, header, footer and others. Design properties for the semantic elements and show the users the properties while editing these contents.

Ubuntu – Searching package repository

You can use apt-cache search <package name> command to see if the package is there in list of repositories configured in your Ubuntu instance. Once you find the package then install it using apt-get install <package name>. Eg: apt-get install apache2

Apache root folder

In Windows IIS C:\Inetpub\wwwroot is the default root folder of the IIS web server. The equivalent for that in Apache is /var/www/html. If your web application is outside of this directory then create a symbolic link to that directory to a path in /var/www/html.

PHP – Verification

Once LAMP stack in installed and configured write a small PHP web page that calls phpinfo(); function and place it in /var/www/html folder and call it in browser http://localhost/index.php to verify the version and other details of PHP framework installed.