by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 8, 2017 | tip of the day
This tip is for small companies. It is better to assign each user alias ids along with email id and the users can use the alias id to sign up for external sites. If there is too much spamming then diasble that alias id.
by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 8, 2017 | tip of the day
To convert your Android phone to a developer’s device go to Settings and click on About Phone for 7 times.
by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 8, 2017 | tip of the day
The command to know about other commands in detail is man which stands for manual command. This command will list the switches to be used with command. Eg: man ls will show full details about the ls command
by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 8, 2017 | tip of the day
Use apropos command to know about commands that can be used for your opertions. eg: apropos disk will list all the commands that are related to disk. The apropos command will search for commands based on your search term.
by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 8, 2017 | tip of the day
whatis command will provide a short description about a command. Eg: whatis ls will give a brief one line description about ls command.
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