Laravel Homestead

To use Laravel Homestead server for development the virtualization must be enabled in BIOS setup. Using Laravel Homestead will help you avoid environmental issues and deployment issues for your application in all environments.

Assertible Web API testing

If you are looking for a lightweight API testing service then try It is an easy to use and afforable API testing framework that can test API methods for various factors like performance, validation etc.

Google Cloud Storage

To save money on Google Cloud Storage move your items from Regional or Multi-Regional to Nearline buckets after 30 or 60 days and to Coldline storage after 120 days. The cost of buckets in these storage classes decreases as we move from Regional or Multi-Regional to...

Architecture Tip

Make the code and storage platform totally decoupled. Applications in general should not write to any file or create any new folders automatically inside the server where it is hosted. Always make your apps use storage services like Google Cloud Storage to securely...

Data Tip

In today’s scenarios enterprises use data mainly for reporting about the past. This has to change and enterprises should also start using data to predict future for better planning. Start to use your data for prediction using machine learing and predictive...