Big Data

In Big Data correlation becomes more important than causation. For example instead of analyzing what causes thunder you can predict thunder occurence based on lightning as both of them have very good chance of happening together within short intervals. Lightning...

Google Cloud Storage

Authenticate that you are the domain owner for your website and then get a google storage bucket matching your domain name. For test environments register an alternate domain and get that authorized by Google to have test storage bucket on Google Cloud Storage.

Google Cloud Storage

If your daily job has to scan only a folder with small number of files to sync to Google Cloud Storage then use the rsync option in GSUTIL command. If you have large number of files to compare and sync then this option is not the best one.

Google Cloud Shell

To run test program and test your MySQL data, upload sample files use Google Cloud Shell program. By default Google gives each user few GBs of storage for testing out various cloud services. You can use Cloud Shell to do your POCs and this work will be saved even if...

Google App Engine

Use Google Cloud Storage API to uploaded user uploaded images and files. App Engine does not allow app to write to any file or directory within the application. All storage must be external to the application because each new file added to the app is a new version of...