by H.Thirukkumaran | Jan 3, 2018 | Project Management
Most of the people who have worked with me know this saying. I actually understood the importance of this saying in a conversation with one of my managers Praveen Guggarigoudar. We had a discussion about extending one of the sprints by a day. The reason was that there...
by H.Thirukkumaran | Jan 3, 2018 | For Students, Project Management
In the recent years the teams I work with have been flooded with freshers. The way the freshers worked on the projects in college and in professional world are worlds apart. Here are the 5 key process that I advise my team members to follow whenever they are assigned...
by H.Thirukkumaran | Sep 29, 2017 | Project Management
There are few oversights from product management team when defining new features for the product. The first is that they assume that a feature is always going to be there in the product. The second is that they assume that all the users will like the feature and will...
by H.Thirukkumaran | Sep 5, 2017 | Software Development
This is a beginners tutorial for Runscope. Runscope is a tool used to test APIs. Please signup for a trial account in The APIs shown in this video are from World Bank. The API method that is used for testing is given here. I apologize for the background...
by H.Thirukkumaran | Aug 15, 2017 | Joke, Project Management
This is a joke from Mr.Kishore Mabhubani Dean of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. UK government issued a tender to construct a tunnel. Of all the proposals one of them looked very cheap but government still decided to checkout the company that applied for the...
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