Let perfect not be the enemy of the good

Most of the people who have worked with me know this saying. I actually understood the importance of this saying in a conversation with one of my managers Praveen Guggarigoudar. We had a discussion about extending one of the sprints by a day. The reason was that there...

Thoughts about launching new feature

There are few oversights from product management team when defining new features for the product. The first is that they assume that a feature is always going to be there in the product. The second is that they assume that all the users will like the feature and will...

Runscope tutorial for beginners

This is a beginners tutorial for Runscope. Runscope is a tool used to test APIs. Please signup for a trial account in Runscope.com. The APIs shown in this video are from World Bank. The API method that is used for testing is given here. I apologize for the background...