Google Cloud Vision API

I explored another new service offered by Google Cloud. This is for extracting information from and about images it is called Google Cloud Vision. This service offers powerful features like Optical Character Recognition, Identifying objects in the images, location...

Google BigQuery – File Sanitizing

One of the first steps in loading data into BigQuery is to extract data from your local datasource and then sanitizing it for importing it into BigQuery. Initially I encountered lot of errors during the import. You can also see that in my ETL demo post. These errors...

Google BigQuery ETL demo by GUI

I have been using Google BigQuery for over 18 months. It is unbelievably simple to use BigQuery for your BigData needs. In this post I will show how to load a data from file to a BigQuery table via the GUI tool provided by Google. In the next post I will show how to...

Google Cloud Storage Intro

This is an introduction to Google Cloud Storage service. Google Cloud Storage provides options for users to store large amount of files on the Google network. Google has worldwide network and data center that can store your files on a distributed platform. In Google...

Google BigQuery Intro

This is a brief overview of Google BigQuery targeting programmers. The data collected and stored by the enterprises are now outgrowing their current hardware and software infrastructure. To handle Big Data and get real-time reports from Big Data, Google offers a SAAS...

Cloud Computing Intro

Cloud computing is an epoch-making innovation in the IT industry. I will justify that in later articles. The goal of cloud computing is to offer IT as a service. Cloud computing offers 3 main services Iaas – Infrastructure as a service Paas – Platform as a...