Log File

The application must not lock log files unnecessarily. This practice will help you run multiple instances of same application without any clash.

HTML Encoding

Always encode input text by user from a web page. This will help prevent script injection attack and is a good practice from security point of view.

Encrypt cookies

Encrypting contents in cookies is a good practice for security reasons. Some websites I have used keep the user’s email id in cookie in unencrypted form and I get spammed.

Prevent spamming

This tip is for small companies. It is better to assign each user alias ids along with email id and the users can use the alias id to sign up for external sites. If there is too much spamming then diasble that alias id.

Linux command tip

The command to know about other commands in detail is man which stands for manual command. This command will list the switches to be used with command. Eg: man ls will show full details about the ls command